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Delighted to offer these lovely medium weight cotton drawstring bags - these are designed to work with our Doggie Bow Ties, but you can of course order them for anything!


This is the link to our Dog Bow Ties


We are currently stocking these bags in two sizes and colours:


Red Bag 15cm x 20cm

Orange Bag 10cm x 13cm


Each bag we have space to heat-press a name in white block capitals. These are perfect for dog treat bags and easily fit in a pocket ready for taking on walks. We have treat bags for our dogs, but have to have separate bags as one of our dogs has a special diet due to a medical condition. That was one of the reasons for designing these bags!


ps we've limited the number of letters as if we have too many it'll be too small and not look as cool. So letters upto 10, which should just about cover most names!

Drawstring Gift Bags

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